Some Good Practices

So while writing this intelliJ plugin I came through some good practices and certain other stuff that I really need to document somewhere so that I don’t forget them. This is a blog about those random things.

1. Access Psi after Indexing

If you are planning to access the Psi information on openProject(), like iterating through all the files and finding or modifying PsiElements, then ensure that you do it after the Project is fully initialized. This means that you need to wrap your Psi accessing code inside the StartupManager.registerPostStartupActivity(), like below:

    override fun projectOpened() {
        StartupManager.getInstance(project).registerPostStartupActivity {
            val srcDir = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).contentSourceRoots.find {
            if (srcDir != null) {
                ProjectFileIndex.SERVICE.getInstance(project).iterateContentUnderDirectory(srcDir) {
                    processFiles(project, it)