Swap ViewModel during testing in Android via Hilt

I have seen a lot of Hilt examples where we hard code the actual implementation of ViewModel in the Activity or Fragment. May be, this is what you need, and you want to test your Fragments or Activities with the actual ViewModel. But if you are like me, and you have some use case where you want to inject a fake ViewModel and test your Fragments or Activities, then this blog is for you.

ViewModel setup

class ListViewModelImpl(
    private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle
) : ListViewModel() {

    override val title: MutableLiveData<String> = MutableLiveData()

    override fun load() {
        val value: String? = savedStateHandle["load"]
        if (value == null) {
            savedStateHandle["load"] = "Actual Implementation"
        } else {
            savedStateHandle["load"] = "Actual Retained Data"
        title.value = savedStateHandle["load"]

class ListViewModelFactory(
    owner: SavedStateRegistryOwner,
    args: Bundle? = null
) : AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(owner, args) {
    override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(
        key: String,
        modelClass: Class<T>,
        handle: SavedStateHandle
    ): T {
        return ListViewModelImpl(handle) as T

abstract class ListViewModel : ViewModel() {

    abstract fun load()
    abstract val title: LiveData<String>
  1. Create an abstract class implementing ViewModel and make your actual implementation extend this abstract class.
  2. Create a ViewModelFactory to define how to create your ViewModel.
  3. In the above case, I have used AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory, but you can use the normal one if you don’t care about the SavedStateHandle.

Actual Hilt Module

object ListDI {

    fun provideFactory(fragment: Fragment): AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory {
        return ListViewModelFactory(fragment, fragment.arguments)

annotation class ListFragmentQualifier
  1. Create a Module with Fragment scope, since we will be injecting the ViewModel in a Fragment.
  2. Have a Provides function to construct the ViewModelFactory.
  3. Create a Qualifier and apply that to the Provides function.
  4. I have created a Qualifier since you could have multiple Fragments with a ViewModel for each and all of them extends AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory and we need to match which factory goes to which fragment.

Fragment setup

class ListFragment : Fragment() {
    lateinit var factory: AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory

    private val viewModel: ListViewModel by viewModels(
        factoryProducer = { factory }

    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

        viewModel.title.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {
            binding.textView.text = it
  1. Inject the ViewModelFactory with the right Qualifier.
  2. Have a viewModel reference with type of the abstract class of the ViewModel and create it via the factory.
  3. I have used the by viewModels() extension, but you could also use the ViewModelProviders.of(....)

Fake Hilt Module

    components = [FragmentComponent::class],
    replaces = [ListDI::class]
object FakeListDI {

    fun provideFactory(fragment: Fragment): AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory {
        return ViewModelFactory(fragment, fragment.arguments)

    class ViewModelFactory(
        owner: SavedStateRegistryOwner,
        args: Bundle? = null
    ) :
        AbstractSavedStateViewModelFactory(owner, args) {
        override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(
            key: String,
            modelClass: Class<T>,
            handle: SavedStateHandle
        ): T {
            return FakeViewModel(handle) as T

    class FakeViewModel(
        private val savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle,
    ) : ListViewModel() {

        override fun load() {
            val value: String? = savedStateHandle["load"]
            if (value == null) {
                savedStateHandle["load"] = "Fake implementation"
            } else {
                savedStateHandle["load"] = "Fake Retained data"
            title.value = savedStateHandle["load"]

        override val title: MutableLiveData<String> = MutableLiveData()
  1. In your test package (androidTest in my case), create a Fake module that provides a Fake ViewModelFactory which in turn creates a Fake ViewModel.
  2. Use TestInstallIn to replace the module.
  3. Use the same Qualifier here as well.

Fragment Test setup

class ListFragmentTest {

    var hiltRule = HiltAndroidRule(this)

    fun init() {

    fun testTitleText() {
        val scenario = launchFragmentInHiltContainer<ListFragment>()
        onView(withId(R.id.textView)).check(matches(withText("Fake implementation")))
  1. Your test class should use HiltAndroidTest and the HiltAndroidRule.
  2. You have to use launchFragmentInHiltContainer because if your fragment is annotated with AndroidEntryPoint it should be hosted by an activity that’s annotated with AndroidEntryPoint. And the extension above takes care of that.
  3. Of course, you do have to setup a few more things like:
    1. A CustomTestRunner class and configure that as the testInstrumentationRunner in your Gradle file
    2. You need to create a test Activity that’s annotated with AndroidEntryPoint
    3. launchFragmentInHiltContainer is not a method in the platform. It’s a custom extension.
  4. Don’t worry, the github project linked below has all these configured, and you can just copy-paste these.

Working Project

For a working example, please refer to the android-hilt-playground android project (branch blog-swap-view-model). Stay safe and be crazy!