Generics in Kotlin

What is it?

These are generics: List<String>, List<Any>, Map<Int, String>, Jungle<T>, etc…

What is T in Jungle<T>?

T is any Type. Think of it as a placeholder while defining the Jungle<T> like:

class Jungle<T> {
    fun obtainType(): T { 
        // ...

So then, what is the difference between Jungle<T> and Jungle<Animal>?

T is a placeholder that can be replaced by any type during implementation. Animal is one of those types. Something like:

fun main() {
    val jungle: Jungle<Animal> = Jungle()

They say that “unlike Array, the ArrayList is invariant”. What does that mean?

Invariant is a type of variance, along with covariant and contravariant. For example, String is the subtype of Any. But ArrayList<String> is not a subtype of ArrayList<Any>. This is called invariant.
If T is a subtype of U, then:

The following is not possible and will throw a compile error, since ArrayList is invariant:

fun main() {
    val strings: ArrayList<String> = ArrayList()
    val objects: ArrayList<Any> = strings // Compile error

Wait. Why does it throw a compile error? What is wrong with type casting like this?

Let’s expand that code a bit, and you will understand why it is not allowed. Let’s assume that the compiler doesn’t throw an error while typecasting. This will cause the following runtime error (since lastItem is not a String, but Int):

fun main() {
    val strings: ArrayList<String> = ArrayList()
    val objects: ArrayList<Any> = strings // Assuming no compile error
    val lastItem: String = strings.last() // Runtime error

Got it. But if this is the case, then all generic type should be Invariant right? How is Covariant and Contravariant possible?

You can make a type Covariant or Contravariant by using something called Declaration-site variance. But before that you need to understand something important. The reason the above example threw a “Runtime error” was that we were allowed to add Int. If you don’t have the add method, then this problem shouldn’t have occurred. Or to put it more clearly, if you don’t allow a Write operation on the type, but only Read operation, then we can safely have it as a Covariant type.
Think about it. If you have an ArrayList<String> but you can’t add anything to it (no Write operation), then you can ensure that this ArrayList always contains only Strings. This means you can not only safely read String from it, you can also read it as Any, since Any is the supertype of String. This is only possible because you prevented the Write operation on type T. And that’s the logic behind Declaration-site variance. So to make our Jungle<T> as Covariant, we use out as follows:

class Jungle<out T>(val t: T) {
    fun obtainType(): T {
        return t
    // fun insertType(t: T) {} // Not Possible (Type parameter T is declared as 'out', so no Write operation on type T)
fun main() {
    val jungleWithAnimals: Jungle<Animal> = Jungle(Cat())
    val jungleWithAnything: Jungle<Any> = jungleWithAnimals // This won't be possible if you remove the `out`

So here we are essentially telling the compiler that Jungle allows only Read operation of T by using the out keyword. Now you can typecast Jungle<Animal> to Jungle<Any>. This is nothing by Covariance.
Similarly, you can make Jungle Contravariant using in. This is the exact opposite of what we talked about now, where Write is allowed, but Read is prohibited.

Wow, that makes sense. I just check the source code of List in kotlin, and it’s actually defined as List<out E>. So List is Covariant, but MutableList is Invariant. But what if we what the Covariant behaviour of a class we don’t own? Let’s say that Jungle<T> is defined as a 3rd party library, and we want to use that as a Covariant type, but we can’t change the source code. How is it possible then?

Well this brings us to Use-site variance called Type projection. You can make Jungle<T> Covariant on type T, while using it, as follows:

fun main() {
    val jungleWithAnimals: Jungle<Animal> = Jungle(Cat())
    val jungleWithAnything: Jungle<out Any> = jungleWithAnimals
//    val type: Animal = jungleWithAnything.obtainType() // Not possible. You can only Read 'Any'
    val type: Any = jungleWithAnything.obtainType()
//    jungleWithAnything.insertType(Cat()) // Not possible. You can't Write.

Note the usage of out here. This gives you covariance by restricting you from Write operation. Also, given that the type here is Any, you can only read as Any and not as Animal. And as always, the same is true for in as well. It helps you to use a Type as Contravariant.

Oh, got it. I was going through some code and found something like Jungle<T : Animal>. What does this mean? I think this means that T can’t be just Any type, but has to be a subclass of Animal. Is this true?

You are absolutely right. Here we set an Upper bound for the type T, or in other works T should be a subtype of Animal.

Alright, awesome! Can we have more one type like, Jungle<T,U,V> ?

Yes you can. You can have as many as you want, but a good design is to limit it to 2. More that that will just cause confusion. Also, note that in and out can be applied to these type variables independently. So you can have something like Jungle<in T, out U, in V : Animal>. This is why, when you talk about Covariance or Contravariance, you should also mention the type variable. Here, Jungle is covariant in U, but contravariant in T and V.

So there is out, in and the : to set an upper bound. What is Jungle<*> then? I am confused.

You use * to say that you don’t know the type, but you still want to use it in a safe way. These are called Star-projections. Let’s say you have a List of something, and you have no idea of what type it holds, then you use List<*>. This has different implications based on the variance. If you can only read, then * implies that you can read Any?, and if you can only Write, then it mean you can write Nothing. Think about it. If you have no idea about the Type, then you can only read the base type that all Types extends from which is Any?. When you have to write, since you don’t know the type, you can write Nothing. Following are the different cases based on variance:

In case of more than one type variable, you can use * for any of the type variable. For example, for the case of Jungle<in T, out U, in V : Animal>, one possible case of Star projections could be Jungle<*, Int, *>.

Hey, I heard something about where keyword. What’s that all about?

So you saw the use of : when you want to set an upper bound. Let’s say you have to set multiple upper bounds to the same type variable like Jungle<T> and T should be a subtype of Animal and Walkable, then use accomplish this using where:

class Jungle<T>(var t: T) where T: Animal, T: Walkable {
    fun obtainType(): T = t
    fun insertType(t: T) {}

That’s interesting. What about Generic functions? Any thought on that?

Yes, even when you don’t use Generic type in class or interface, you can apply it directly on a function. You can’t use in and out, but you can set an upper limit for the type variable via : or where. You can even have multiple Type variables.

fun <T> getAnimals(t: T): List<T> where T: Animal, T: Walkable {
    return emptyList()

Wow, thank you so much. All my doubts are cleared now. Is there anything that I missed out in Generics?

There is the concept of Type erasure and reified type parameters. But I think that’s something for another day. Stay safe and go crazy!