Adding Renaming support and Element Manipulators

I really don’t have to add renaming support for my plugin, but I have come so far and it seems so natural that I have to support for renaming. Especially, this whole “ElementManipulator” seems mysterious and I want to poke it and see what happens. This blog does not cover in-place renaming, but renaming that you get free when you create a reference. For the full source code, check out the handlebars-support plugin.

Adding References to existing language

I am not writing a custom language plugin, but trying to add references to a string literal, so this is kind of an add-on to the kotlin language. I tried using PsiReferenceContributor and finally accomplished what I set out to do. This blog is a reminder to myself so that I don’t make these mistakes again :) For the full source code, check out the handlebars-support plugin.

PSI Parsing of Kotlin Files

I have written a couple of intellJ plugins that involves parsing PSI, but that’s for Java. Recently, I was writing a plugin to help me in my office work. This time it involved PSI parsing of Kotlin files. I expected it to be the same as Java, but oh my, it was different. So thought of writing a one-pager on it.