Making Terminal awesome in MacOS

How are we going to make Terminal awesome? Using Oh My Zsh of course. Now, I know there are countless blogs written on this topic, but I just wanted to make a personal note of this so that the next time I change my computer, I don’t forget. So here goes.

Hiding the Clock in Momentum chrome extension

Momentum is a good chrome extension if you are looking to replace the new tab page with a personal dashboard featuring to-do, weather, and inspiration (as they say). I am into it because of the marvelous and calming background photos. Now you would naturally think that there would be an option to hide individual elements like the clock, greeting message, to-do, etc… And you can, except for the clock and the greeting (as of this writing). If you are like me and you don’t care for the clock or the “Good Morning” greeting, then you need to get your hands dirty to make them go away. This blog is all about that.

Some Good Practices

So while writing this intelliJ plugin I came through some good practices and certain other stuff that I really need to document somewhere so that I don’t forget them. This is a blog about those random things.